
19 de December de 2023 0

We are happy to annouce that l’Altre International Perfoming Arts and Mental Health Festival will take place in Barcelona on May 31 till June 2, 2024. If you are a company representing people with mental health problems and without, or relatives, or mental health professionals, or friends, or performing arts professionals, or you have a project related to performing arts and mental health, please send us your proposal!

To present your artistic proposal at l’Altre Festival 2024, fill in the application form in the corresponding tab according to the type of company (amateur, non-binary or professional). The call will remain open until January 26, 2024. The selected shows will be announced from February 19, 2024.

The call for proposal counts with the support of:

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or [name of the granting authority]. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.


4 de May de 2022 0

“My name is mandla. It means power. I gave it to myself.”

Writer and performer mandla rae has a selective memory and is scrambling to piece together a life mostly forgotten in the name of survival. Through the exploration of mandla’s fragmented asylum and migration memories, as british as a watermelon asks questions about belonging, trauma and forgiveness.

Told through an unflinching autofiction narrative weaving poetry and storytelling, set within a chaotically colourful, sensory performance space made entirely for the camera with filmmaker Graham Clayton-Chance; you are invited to watch as mandla rises from the dead to reclaim a misplaced power.

mandla rae is a queer Zimbabwean writer, performer and curator. mandla is agender and has no pronouns. mandla’s work typically explores an intersectional existence enforced on the artists’ body as a result of the world we live in. mandla has been commissioned by many organisations across the country including the BFI, Journeys Festival International and Hope Mill Theatre to make written works. mandla is an Associate Artist for Outbox Theatre.



28 de April de 2022 0
A show by Berta Giraut and the company Teatro de Pacotilla

A show starring characters freed from the imperatives of reason, who invite you to dance, share visions, music and surrealist poetry with the background warning of the end of the world.

In the post-pandemic world, mental health management is a social issue that should be of the first order. Due to interest in demonstrating this need, the Barcelona Poesia, the Centre for Contemporary Culture of Barcelona – within the exhibition “Francesc Tosquelles. As a sewing machine in a wheat field” –, L’Altre International Festival of Performing Arts and Mental Health and the Foundation Els Tres Turons have teamed up to offer a show in which, under the direction and guidance of Berta Giraut, the actors and actresses of the company Teatro de Pacotilla explore poetry, music, theatre and cabaret.

El club de res de res is the club par excellence: we do not come to do anything concrete, we only hang out with others at a place where we are sure to find them. This is what Ginette Michaud says, and we take the floor to recreate a space where all kinds of characters arrive without any apparent reason. Characters who want to empty the crop, dance, share visions, die, do poetic actions. El club de res de res is a clandestine place with accordion and clarinet music, vedets, philosophers, right-wing lords, gays, women who have decided never to love again, romantics and soothsayers. All of them will live in this isolated space where they will make love and war with the background warning of the end of the world that will be handed by a prophet. El club de res de res opens its doors and invites you in to transform its free dance into a collective experience.” (Berta Giraut, poet and actress)

The show will be performed on May 15 at the CCCB in the framework of the Barcelona Poetry festival, and will be performed again on June 11 at L’Altre Festival.

Directors: Berta Giraut Junoy