
11 de September de 2024 0

We are glad to annouce that Inspire project continues and presents the activity “Theatre Seminar”, promoted by our partner Fundacja Varsztatovnia from Poland. The seminar will be held during September 21 and 22 in Dom Otwarty in Warsaw. All of the partners will participate remotely to discuss about the Culture and inclusivity from local point of view.

L’Altre Festival will share its experience in Catalonia, talking about three key points, access, participation and sensitization for people in vulnerable situation.

The aim of the project is to empower people with mental health issues, cultural workers and professionals from mental health system to use the arts as a means to promote mental health and create more inclusive communities. This activity is part of the INSPIRE project, co-funded by European Union.

With the support of:

In collaboration with:



4 de April de 2024 0

This workshop explored the intersection of art, mental health and community engagement. What does otherness mean in our society? Participants learnt about the benefits of using participatory art practices to promote mental health and well-being. Through interactive sessions, participants obtained practical skills and knowledge to develop inclusive and participatory art practices that address mental health issues in their communities.

“Discover the Otherness and the Other next to you.”

Parcipants were exploring the concept of Otherness and the importance of empathy and respect. During the workshop there
were recollected more than 400 paintings, representing different views andways of the Otherness and there was held a group discussion at the end: Who is the Other? Where is a difference?

The aim is to empower people with mental health issues, cultural workers and professionals from mental health system to use the arts as a means to promote mental health and create more inclusive communities. This activity is part of the INSPIRE project, co-funded by European Union.

With the support of: